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Showing posts from October, 2019
Class III-A Cambridge International wing Topic: MSW LOGO The children of class III-A of Cambridge International wing changed the screen colour of MSW Logo to red colour. The pen colour was changed to yellow and using repeat command the children created a triangle.
Class VIII Movie Maker The children of class VIII-A practiced various options in Movie Maker like adding photos, videos, caption, credits, title, animations and durations. These helped them to create a movie. They also understand how to save the movie.
Class VI-A Cambridge International wing Chapter 6- Fomat Cells The children of Class VI-A made a table on Carnival Ticket Buyer Details in Microsoft Office Excel. They formatted the heading using Merge and center the cells. The column headings were made bold by adding color and made the cells filled. The cell contents were made center aligned. The date format was changed to Date in the number format.
Class IV A Cambridge International wing Activity: Parts of Computer and formatting The children of Class IV-A Cambridge International wing wrote about different parts of computer in Microsoft Office Word. They formatted this text as given in the book. They highlighted the names of the parts. Definitions were made italics. Heading was bold ,underline and center aligned. The children learnt various ways to format the typed text.
Dussehra is also called as Vijayadashmi and is one of the most desired festival of Hindus and is widely celebrated all over the India with great fervor and fanfare. Dussehra coincides with the culmination of the 9th day Navratri festival and marks the triumph of Rama over the 10 headed demon king Ravana, who abducted Rama's wife Sita. The festival is the most significant feature of Dussehra Celebration. Effigies of Ravana often along with those of Meghnanda and Kumbhkaran are stuffed with firecrackers and set ablaze at night in open fiels signifying the triumph of good over evil.
GANDHI JAYANTI 2nd October  Celebrating  150 years Gandhi Jayanti is an event celebrated in India to mark the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born 2 October 1869. It is celebrated annually on 2 October, and it is one of the three national holidays of India. The UN General Assembly announced on 15 June 2007 that it adopted a resolution which declared that 2 October will be celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence.