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Showing posts from July, 2021
  DAILY LOG(30.7.2021) CLASS VI: CHAPTER-9: CODING CLUB: QB64 BASICS 1. Relational Operators 2. Logical Operators 3. INPUT Statement 4. Program-6: Write a program to ask the user's name and print Hello 5. Program-7: Write a program to find Average of three numbers 6. Activity-6: Read the given program and think about the end of its story. CLASS V: CHAPTER-2: DATA STORAGE MEDIA 1. Activity 4: Measuring Memory 2. Different computer memory units and relation between them 3. Types of Computer Memory 4. Primary Memory 5. RAM 6. ROM 7. Secondary Memory 8. Hard Disk 9. CD-Compact Disk
 DAILY LOG (28.7.2021) CLASS III: CHAPTER-4: HELLO LOGO TURTLE Access A, B, C were done CLASS VII:  CHAPTER-5: GO ONLINE 1. Video Conferencing 2. Online Shopping: Activity 3. Social Networking Websites
  DAILY LOG(23.7.2021) CLASS V: CHAPTER-1: Computer Evolution: Abacus to Smartphone 1. EARLY COUNTING TECHNIQUES- Salamis Tablet, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Abacus, Napier's Bones, Pascaline Calculator, Leibniz Calculator, Jacquard Loom, Difference and Analytic Engines, Tabulating Machine, Mark I 2. GENERATIONS OF COMPUTER: First Generation, Second Generation, Third Generation, Fourth Generation, Fifth Generation CLASS VI: CHAPTER-9:Coding Club: QB64 Basics 1. Print of Name (String Variable) 2. LET Statement Recap 3. Arithmetic Operator 4. Arithmetic Expressions 5. Activity 4
 DAILY LOG(22.7.2021) CLASS III: CHAPTER-4: HELLO LOGO TURTLE! 1. Recap- Components of Main Screen 2. Components of Commander Window 3. Control Functions in Commander Window 4. Exit Command Homework: Activity 1 on Page number: 57 to be done in the book CLASS VII: CHAPTER-4: GO ONLINE 1. Email Service Providers 2. Activity: Identify username and domain name in the E-mail 3. Activity: Identify the components of an email screen 3. Instant Messaging 4. Activity 4 on Page no. 70 CLASS I: CHAPTER-2: Uses of a Computer Assessment exam was held. CHAPTER-3: Parts of a Computer 1. Introduction to Parts of Computer 2.  Monitor 3. Keyboard 4. CPU Box
  EID-AL -ADHA(21.7.2021) Eid al-Adha is one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah as per the Islamic lunar calendar. This year, festivities will commence from the evening of July 20, and go on till the evening of Wednesday, July 21 in India.
  DAILY LOG(20.7.2021) CLASS VIII: CHAPTER-2: PLAY WITH GOOGLE APPS 1. Introduction to Apps 2. Different types of Apps 3. Google Apps table 4. Google Drive 5. Creating a Folder in Drive, Upload a file/folder in Drive 6. Google Docs CLASS IV: CHAPTER-3: MANAGE FILES AND FOLDERS 1. Organizing the computer data/information in Files and Folders 2. Files 3. Activity: Recognizing File Type and name of the File 4. Introduction to Folders CLASS V: CHAPTER-3: ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN DOCUMENTS Assessment Activity exam was conducted.
 DAILY LOG(19.7.2021) CLASS II: CHAPTER-2: PARTS OF A COMPUTER 1. Joystick 2. Scanner 3.Web Camera 4. CD/DVD, Hard Disk, Pen drive(Comparison) 5. UPS CLASS IV: CHAPTER- 2: FUN WITH CIRCLES AND POLYGONS Access A, B, C were done in the book Page Number: 22 CHAPTER-3: MANAGE FILES AND FOLDERS Connect Activity was done  CLASS V: CHAPTER-9: Coding Club: Scratch Assessment Activity Exam of Scratch was conducted
  DAILY LOG(15.7.2021) CLASS VII: CHAPTER-5: Go Online 1. Activity A : How do we communicate with friends and family and B: In what ways do you use the Internet in your day-to day life? 2. Introduction 3. Search Engine 4. Address Bar 5. E-mail parts CLASS III: CHAPTER-4: Hello Logo Turtle! 1. Starting MSW LOGO 2. MSW Logo Terminology 3. Components of Main Screen 4. Parts of Turtle CLASS I: CHAPTER-2: Uses of a Smart Machine Computer 1. Access A, B, C, D on Page 16, 17 and 18 were done CHAPTER-3: PARTS OF A COMPUTER 1. Activity : Parts of a Plant 2. Introduction 3. Parts of a Computer
  DAILY LOG(14.7.2021) CLASS VII: CHAPTER- Coding Club: Q-Basic 1. DO UNTIL LOOP 2. EXIT FOR LOOP 3. Program- To print numbers from 20 to 10 using DO UNTIL LOOP 4. Program- To display the numbers from 1 to 10 using DO UNTIL LOOP 5. Program- To display countdown of numbers from 100 to 50, such as..100, 95, 90, 85.....50 Access A and B were done CLASS III: CHAPTER-1: How Computer Works Assessment Exam was conducted
 DAILY LOG(13.7.2021) CLASS V: CHAPTER-3: Organizing Information in Documents 1. Recap-Convert Text inti Table 2. Selecting a Column/Row 3. Adding a new Row 4. Adding a New Column 5. Deleting a Row/Column 6. Merging Cells 7. Splitting Cells 8. Table Styles- Applying Borders and Shading 9. Header and Footer CLASS IV: Chapter-2: Fun with Circles and Polygons in LOGO 1. Nested Repeat Command 2. Three Examples of Nested Repeat Command 3. Activity 7: Nested Repeat Command  CLASS VIII: Chapter-8: Website Designing: Tables 1. Difference between Cellpadding and Cell Spacing 2. Program- Create a Table where Cell padding and Cell spacing values are 50 and 20 3. Program- Create a table and align to the right 4. Program- Create a Table and set the width and height as 500. Access Activity A and B part were done
 DAILY LOG(8.7.2021) CLASS VII: CHAPTER- CODING CLUB: QB 64 1. ACTIVITY 2: Part A was done 2. DO LOOP- DO WHILE LOOP 3. Program- Write a program to display numbers from 1 to 10 4. Program- To print multiples of 5 from 50 to 10 in the reverse order. CLASS III: CHAPTER-4: HELLO LOGO TURTLE! Steps to download LOGO CLASS I: CHAPTER-1 ASSESSMENT- Machines Around Us Explanation of Auto Draw
 DAILY LOG(6.7.2021) CLASS IV : Assessment Exam of Chapter-1: Working with Computer Peripherals CLASS V : CHAPTER-3: Organizing Information in Documents Following topics were done: 1. Introduction to Tables 2. Rows, Columns, Cells 3. Method of Creating tables(3 Methods) 4. Steps to add/delete a column 5. Steps to add a row 6. Activity 1: Creating the given table in Word CLASS VIII: CHAPTER-8: WEBSITE DESIGNING: TABLES 1. Connect Activity- List Tag 2. Creating a Table in HTML 3. Attributes of Table Tag- Border, Bgcolour, Border colour, Align
DAILY LOG(5.7.2021) CLASS II: CHAPTER- 2: PARTS OF A COMPUTER 1. Recap Video: Parts of Computer 2. Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Speaker 3. Difference between Headphones and Microphones CLASS IV: CHAPTER- 2: FUN WITH CIRCLES AND POLYGONS IN LOGO 1. Recap: Regular and Irregular Polygons 2. Drawing Regular Polygons using Repeat Command:  Square, Triangle, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon  CLASS V: CHAPTER- 8: Coding Club Scratch Basics Assessment of Chapter-8 was conducted.
 DAILY LOG(3.7.2021) CLASS VIII: CHAPTER-1: Latest Trends and Technology 1. Wearable Technologies- Digital Phone Band, Bluetooth Enabled Toothbrush, Wellograph 2. IoT- Internet of Things Access A, B, C, D were done(Page No. 16,17) CLASS VI: CHAPTER- 13Coding Club: Q- Basics 1. Introduction to Q-Basic 2. Statement, Syntax 3. PRINT Statement 4. END Statement 5. CLS Statement 6. Steps to save the file 7. Program to display " I am learning Q-Basic today" 8. Program to print the Name.
  DAILY LOG(1.7.2021) CLASS I: CHAPTER-2: Uses of a Smart Machine 1.Recap: Uses of a Computer 2. Video on Uses of Computer  3. Places where Computers are Used 4. Access A part on Page No. 16 was done CLASS III : CHAPTER-1 How a Computer Works Access D part was done Homework: Download MSW LOGO CLASS VII : CHAPTER-10 Coding Club: Python Basics Assessment Exam of Chapter-10 was conducted.