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Showing posts from June, 2019
INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY         International Yoga day was declared by United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) as an International Day for Yoga. The idea of International Yoga Day was suggested by our Prime Minister' Mr. Narendra Modi'.       “Joy is found when you focus your energy on improving human dignity, human capacity and human values.” ― Amit Ray
Father's Day Father's Day Over the years As we grow old,  We remember our father So brave and bold.  In the garden,  Leaning on the plow,  He would listen to me;  I see him now.  He would give advice And understand;  He was always there To lend a hand.  God made fathers Strong and firm,  For he knew our lives Would have great concerns.  So he gave us fathers To teach us to pray,  And guide our lives,  And show us the way.  So on his day Let's take the time To say "Thanks, dad.  I'm glad you're mine."  Mary Frances Bogle
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 5th June   World Environment Day is held each year on June 5 . Through  this the United Nations (UN) stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. World Environment Day 2019 Theme is ‘ Beat Air Pollution ’.