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Showing posts from April, 2019
Class III-A Activity: Measure the length and breadth of the Monitor The children of class III A Cambridge measured the length and breadth of the monitor in the computer lab. They measured the length and breadth using a ruler in centimetres and inches. They wrote their findings in the book. They found that the length is more than the breadth.
Class III A Cambridge Topic: Computer Peripherals The children of class III A Cambridge participated in an activity in Input, Process and Output. The children were provided with three images. They had to classify the pictures as Input, Process and Output. They understood that  Input: includes the devices which are used to enter data Process: how the processing is done Output: it is the result obtained.
Class VII A Cambridge Topic: Number System An assessment activity was conducted for the children of class VII A Cambridge wing. The children solved the given worksheet on Number System. There are 4 types of Number Systems: Binary number system, decimal number system, octal number system, hexadecimal number system. The children did conversions of decimal number to binary number system and vice versa. Also they performed the conversions from octal to decimal and vice versa.
CLASS VIII WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES Bluetooth Enabled Toothbrush v=R557SEiwwlE Wellograph v=cZmIN21nm64
Story of Emoticons 'The Story Of Emoticons' is not just a creative writing program, but an experience that can alter a child's perception and approach toward oneself, others and language. Register before 8th April to avail early bird discount.
CLASS IV-A Cambridge Topic: Input and output Devices The children of class IV-A Cambridge performed an activity in groups of two wherein they had to identify the given list of devices as input or output device. They also wrote a function of each of these devices.