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Showing posts from July, 2015
THE MISSILE MAN: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Our nation's former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam died on Monday. It is an unbearable loss to our nation. May God Bless his soul and rest in peace.
WHAT IS GENERATIONS OF COMPUTER? (i) The term Computer generation is used in relation to the advancement in the hardware technology of computers. (ii) Each phase of development in computer technology is known as a separate generation of computers characterized by the type of circuit technology used. (iii) The development of electronic computers is divided into five generations.
WHO IS THE FATHER OF COMPUTER? Charles Babbage is the founder of computer. Charles Babbage was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. He originated the concept of a programmable computer. The first mechanical computer was created by Charles Babbage in 1822.                                   In 1822, he developed the Difference Engine .It was the first automatic computing machine. It was capable of computing several sets of numbers and making hard copies of the result. In 1837, he proposed the first general purpose mechanical computer called Analytical Engine . It contained Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU), basic flow control and integrated memory.
USAGE OF ICT IN EVERYDAY LIFE Many everyday activities are now much easier to do with the development of ICT:  ICT is ued in many different ways to do an enormous range of interesting and useful tasks to: ICT is used in: 1. Education 2. Banking 3. Industry 4. Architecture 5. E-commerce 6. Arts 7. Home 8. Travel 9. Transportation 10. Government